Wednesday, December 13, 2023

YouTube Marketing 2023, Ultimate AI Art Content Creation Course 2023 (Generative AI), etc...[Udemy free 28 coupons]

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게시글 작성 시, 아래 문구를 반드시 기재해 주세요.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

YouTube Marketing 2023 with Dekker Fraser, MBA

YouTube Ads, YouTube SEO, YouTube Automation, YouTube Video Editing

Ultimate AI Art Content Creation Course 2023 (Generative AI)

AI Art (Image/Video/Audio/Writing): Midjourney, Dall-E, Leonardo AI, CapCut, Adobe Premiere, Firefly, Topaz etc

Web Development Masterclass - Online Certification Course

Cloud Computing | Web Apps | Linux | Web Servers | DBMS | LAMP Stack | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | PHP | + More

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React - Online Certification Course

Build: Mobile Responsive Web Pages using CSS | Dynamic Web Apps in React | Interactive UI Components | E-Commerce Sites

Complete Bootstrap & React Bootcamp with Hands-On Projects

Learn to Build Responsive, Interactive Web Apps using Bootstrap and React.

AWS and Linode: The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Computing [IaaS]

Cloud Computing | Linux Foundations | Apache | NGINX | DBMS | Firewalls | Load Balancers | AWS IAM | Amazon EC2

Complete JavaScript, jQuery and React Bootcamp - Hands-On

Learn to Harness the Power of JavaScript, jQuery and React to Build Stunning Front-End User Interfaces.

게시글 작성 시, 아래 문구를 반드시 기재해 주세요.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

AWS Beginner to Intermediate: EC2, IAM, ELB, ASG, Route 53

AWS Accounts | Billing | IAM Admin | EC2 Config | Ubuntu | AWS Storage | EBS | EFS | AMI | Load Balancers | Route 53

Linode: Foundations of Web Server Security

Cloud Service Models | IaaS | Linode Basics | TFA | SSH | Linux | Ubuntu | LAMP Stack | DBMS | Firewalls | SSL

Build a Custom E-Commerce Site in React + JavaScript Basics

Build a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site with Product Categories, Shopping Cart, and Checkout Page in React.

Build a Connect-4 Clone in React + JavaScript Foundations

Learn the Foundations of React and JavaScript by Building a Fully Functional Connect-4 Game Clone.

Setup LAMP Stack on a Remote Cloud Server + PHP Foundations

Cloud Computing Foundations | Instance Deployment | LAMP Stack Configuration | Database Deployment | PHP Basics

Internet & Cloud Computing Foundations

HTTP | HTTPS | SMTP | LAN | WAN | Web Hosting | Domain Names | Cloud Computing | Linode | AWS Foundations

Adobe Lightroom Classic CC: The Map & Book Module

Geotag Images | Filter and Save Locations | Book Settings | Book Layout | Text Formatting | Backgrounds | Exporting

Adobe Lightroom Classic CC: Master the Library Module

Import, Sort, and Organize Collections of Images using Collections, Keywords, Color Labels, Flags, Metadata, + More

NGINX, Apache, SSL Encryption - Certification Course

Install, Configure, and Secure NGINX & Apache on an Ubuntu Server using Digital Ocean & Let's Encrypt SSL

게시글 작성 시, 아래 문구를 반드시 기재해 주세요.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

Build an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from Scratch

Earn Passive Income by Building an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store using WordPress, WooCommerce, WooZone, & Elementor

CSS & JavaScript - Certification Course for Beginners

Learn how to Add Dynamic Client-Side Functions to your Web Pages using CSS & JavaScript

Learn MySQL - For Beginners

Learn to Create Database Driven Web Applications using MySQL

Learn PHP - For Beginners

Learn to create dynamic web applications using PHP

Learn JavaScript - For Beginners

Learn how to Code Web Pages using JavaScript

HTML & CSS - Certification Course for Beginners

Lean the Foundations of HTML & CSS to Create Fully Customized, Mobile Responsive Web Pages

게시글 작성 시, 아래 문구를 반드시 기재해 주세요.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Fundamentals

Examine the Key Principles of Cloud Computing including Service Models, Deployment Models, & Foundations of AWS

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Foundations

Setup and Configure Multiple Users in an AWS account using IAM. Assign Privileges, Create Access Logs, and Setup MFA.

Install NGINX, PHP, MySQL, SSL & WordPress on Ubuntu

Learn to Install & Configure NGINX on Ubuntu 18.04. Includes MySQL, PHP, PhpMyAdmin, WordPress & SSL Integration.

How the Internet Works & the Web Development Process

Learn how the Internet Works - HTTP/HTTPS, Mail Delivery (SMTP), LAN, WAN, Network Basics & Firewalls

Learn CSS - For Beginners

Learn to Work with Cascading Style Sheets

Bootstrap & jQuery - Certification Course for Beginners

Learn to Create fully Animated, Interactive, Mobile Responsive Web Pages using Bootstrap & jQuery Library.

게시글 작성 시, 아래 문구를 반드시 기재해 주세요.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

더 빠른 소식을 원한다면 아래로

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